Task 1 Listen to the story for the gist.

Task 2
Choose the correct answer.

The story is about

a) a collision of two aircraft
b) damage of the aircraft by a foreign object
c) a collision of the aircraft with the terminal
d) an aircraft system failure

Task 3 Listen to the story once again for details.

Task 4 Choose the correct answer.

1. The destination of the flight was

a) London
b) Singapore
c) not mentioned

2. It was

a) a daylight flight
b) a night flight

3. It happened when the crew were

a) on final
b) parking to the stand
c) vacating the runway

4. The aircraft struck

a) a leader van
b) a marshaller
c) a baggage cart

5. The pilot turned onto the stand because he had been confused

a) by the APIS lateral guidance illuminating
b) by the ground technician’s signal
c) by the aircraft type, B747, on the APIS display

6. If the aircraft parking information system is active, on the APIS display, the pilot can see

a) the aircraft type
b) readout of distance to go to stopping point
c) lateral guidance illuminating
d) all the above

7. Misleading parking guidance resulted in

a) a dent on the left outboard engine cowling
b) the left main gear collapse
c) substantial damage to the terminal building

Task 5 Please explain what happened as if you were a pilot or a ground technician.

Task 6 Listen and repeat.

visual docking guidance systemсистема визуальной стыковки с телетрапом
(to) activateвключать, приводить в действие
(to) indicateпоказывать, означать
indicationпоказание, индикация
(to) illuminateзагораться (о табло, лампочке)
ground technicianтехник
ground personnelназемный персонал
ground crewназемный персонал
ground staffназемный персонал
(to) assignназначать, устанавливать
the assigned standназначенная стоянка
the assigned flight levelназначенный эшелон
assignment of levelsназначение эшелонов
baggage/ luggageбагаж
carry-on/hand baggageручная кладь
baggage cartбагажная тележка
baggage containerконтейнер с багажом
baggage vanмашина, перевозящая багаж
baggage vehicleмашина, перевозящая багаж
one piece of extra baggageлишнее место багажа
baggage identificationопознавание багажа
baggage mismatchнесовпадение багажа
lost or mishandled baggageутерянный или засланный багаж
stand/parking positionстоянка
gate1) Выход (для пассажиров);
2) Телетрап (для парковки ВС)
stop barлиния остановки
stopping pointместо остановки
(to) parkпарковаться
(to) taxiрулить
(to) taxi inзарулить
(to) taxi outвырулить
(to) taxi upподрулить
(to) pull in/ pull over (to the left or right)принять (влево или вправо)
(to) pull outвытаскивать, вытягивать
(to) strike struck struckударить, удариться
(to) collideстолкнуться
(to) sustain damageполучить повреждение
minor damageнезначительное повреждение
substantial damageзначительное повреждение
cargo apron/ cargo rampгрузовой перрон
general aviation apronперрон авиации общего назначения
taxiway (TWY)рулежная дорожка (РД)
domestic terminalтерминал внутренних рейсов
international terminalтерминал международных рейсов
maintenance baseзона технического обслуживания
runway (RWY)взлетно-посадочная полоса (ВПП)
runway incursion/runway infringementнесанкционированное занятие ВПП
runway excursionвыкатывание с ВПП
runway confusionзанятие неразрешенной ВПП вследствие путаницы
debrisстроительный мусор, обломки
carton boxкартонная коробка
pieces of burst tireчасти лопнувшей покрышки
plastic sheetкусок пластика
spillageразлив (пятно)
fuel spillageразлив топлива
oil spillageразлив масла
de-icing fluid spillageразлив противообледенительной жидкости
cleanupуборка, чистка
foam, to foamпена, запенивать

Task 7 Divide the following words in two groups and fill in the table: Airport services and Ramp vehicles and equipment.

immigration service, shuttle bus, customs, cargo loader, cargo handling, sweeper, catering truck, veterinary service, fuel truck, catering, leader van, passenger handling, ground power unit, cabin cleaning, air starter unit, crew bussing, toilet/water service, lavatory truck, de-icing, refueling, fire vehicle, hydraulic platform, aircraft balancing, ambulift, flight planning service, tow truck, wheelchairs, meet and assist unaccompanied minors.

Airport services

Ramp vehicles and equipment


Task 8 Cross out misfits.

runway incursion runway clearing runway excursion
direction sign “no entry” sign road sign
pull up pull over pull in
baggage van baggage mismatch baggage cart
snow plough snow bank sweeper
fence terminal hangar
apron tarmac centerline
edge lights traffic light centerline lights
request stop stop bar stopping point
runway threshold runway stop end runway pavement

Task 9 Divide the following words in two groups and fill in the table.

fuel spillage, plastic sheet, slush, broken tarmac, oil spillage, debris, dead bird, rubber marks, debris of burst tire, patches of water, carton box, dog


Foreign object

Task 10 Match the nature of the incident with a kind of assistance or ramp vehicle that a pilot will request from ATC.

1. If the aircraft has skidded off the taxiway

the pilot will request


a) shuttle buses for passengers.
2. If the crew observe an oil spillage in their vicinity b) a fire truck to foam or to cool them down.
3. If the landing gear collapsed during the landing roll c) a tow truck to pull them out.
4. If the aircraft is unable to continue taxi and the crew is going to disembark passengers in present position d) ground staff to clean up the spillage.
5. If the crew has brakes overheat problem e) a new slot and baggage identification.
6. If there is one piece of extra baggage f) an immigration officer and police.
7. If the crew discover a stowaway aboard the plane g) a tug to tow the airplane to the maintenance base.

Task 11 Listen to radio communications between Japanair 7 heavy, American 5881 and Boston Tower controllers and fill in the table.

Flight phase
Nature of the problem
Pilot’s request
ATC instruction

Task 12 Sum up the main points of the situation using the table above.

Task 13 Simulate dialogues in the following situations.


Pilot 1 (P1) – Miller Air 872

Pilot 2 (P2) – C153TM

Controller 1 (C1) – Melville Tower

Controller 2 (C2) – Melville Ground


Попросите экипаж ускорить освобождение ВПП, т.к. на четырехмильной прямой Challenger 604.


Скажите диспетчеру, что во время послепосадочного пробега у вас подломилась основная стойка, рулить не можете.


Скажите Miller Air 872, что приняли его сообщение и дайте указание борту C153ТМ (Challenger 604) немедленно уходить на второй круг, набрать 2000 футов на курсе 120° и работать на частоте 126,3.


Повторите указание диспетчера в виде квитанции.


Скажите Miller Air 872, что вы в курсе их проблемы, буксировщик уже в пути, спросите, будут ли они высаживать пассажиров.


Скажите, что будете высаживать пассажиров на месте, всего пассажиров 234, запросите автобусы и скорую, т.к. несколько пассажиров получили незначительные травмы.


Скажите, что выслали автобусы и скорую помощь.


Поблагодарите за содействие.


Pilot (P) – ASA 451

Controller (C) – Melville Apron


Сообщите диспетчеру, что во время дозаправки топливом были проблемы с отсоединением топливного рукава, и топливо разлилось рядом с самолетом.


Скажите, что немедленно пришлете пожарную машину запенить разлив топлива.


Подтвердите получение информации.
Через некоторое время


Вызовите борт.




Скажите, что уборка разлива топлива закончена. Попросите пилота сообщить, когда они будут готовы к запуску.


Скажите, что готовы.


Разрешите запуск.


Pilot (P) – TCH 763

Controller (C) – Melville Ground


Скажите диспетчеру, что во время руления на предварительный старт ВПП 32 вы видели на перроне, на траверзе РД К, куски строительного мусора.


Скажите, что пошлете наземный персонал убрать мусор.


Pilot (P) – TCH 619

Controller 1 (C1) – Melville Ground

Controller 2 (C2) – Melville Apron


Свяжитесь с Рулением, сообщите, что полосу освободили по


Скажите экипажу, чтобы они повернули по второму налево, по РД Х, телетрап Г23.


Повторите маршрут руления в виде квитанции.


Скажите, что проскочили второй налево, спросите, можно ли на следующем налево.


Скажите, что РД Л закрыта для руления, там знак стоит “No entry”. Скажите, чтобы рулили прямо, на пересечении СM налево на перрон к телетрапу Г23.


Повторите в виде квитанции.


Свяжитесь с Перроном.




Скажите, что получили указание парковаться к телетрапу Г23, а там стоит В737 вашей компании.


Попросите подождать.


Скажите, что ждете.


Скажите, что у В737 проблема – несовпадение багажа, им еще надо минут 10 для опознавания багажа, и чтобы TCH 619 рулил к телетрапу Г29, только что от него отрулил А319.


Подтвердите, что поняли сообщение и повторите номер телетрапа.


Для просмотра текста аудиозаписи выберите вкладку TEXT.

Для просмотра ключей с ответами к заданиям юнита выберите вкладку KEYS.


Following a flight from Singapore to London Heathrow Airport with 237 passengers and 19 crewmembers the night of July 29, 2009, the commander visually checked to ensure that the aircraft parking information system (also called a visual docking guidance system) at the assigned stand had been activated.

He also checked that the aircraft clearance zone was clear before turning the aircraft in to the stand.

He noted that the lateral guidance was illuminated and interpreted this as the system having been activated.

However, the visual docking guidance system had not been activated; a wiring defect was causing the lateral guidance to illuminate.

The commander initially had not noticed that the alphanumeric display of the aircraft type, “B747”, which indicates that the system is active and is programmed properly for the arriving aircraft, was not illuminated.

The ground technician had arrived on stand five minutes before the 747 and had noticed that a number of baggage containers had been parked improperly.

Because of this, he did not activate the docking guidance system before he went to terminal building to seek help in moving the baggage containers and to summon a marshaller to guide the aircraft.

As he was about to enter the terminal building, the ground technician heard the aircraft taxiing in.

He moved back onto the stand and attempted to signal the pilot to stop, using his hands to form a cross above his head.

His signal was not seen by the crew and with the aircraft not stopping, he ran around the front of the stand and activated the “STOP” button.

As the commander taxied the 747, he became concerned that he did not see the aircraft type on the docking guidance system display or a readout of distance to go. So he stopped the aircraft and this was coincident with the word “STOP” illuminating.

The cowling on the left outboard engine had been dented when it struck the baggage cart before the airplane came to a stop 11 m beyond the correct stopping point.


Task 2                   b

Task 4                   1a   2b   3b   4c   5a   6d   7a

Task 7

Airport services Ramp vehicles and equipment
immigration service shuttle bus
customs cargo loader
cargo handling sweeper
veterinary service catering truck
catering fuel truck
passenger handling leader van
cabin cleaning ground power unit
crew bussing air starter unit
toilet-water service lavatory truck
de-icing fire vehicle
refueling hydraulic platform
aircraft balancing tow truck
flight planning service ambulift
wheelchairs, meet and assist unaccompanied minors  

Task 8                   Words to be crossed out:  runway clearing, road sign, pull up, baggage mismatch, snow bank, fence, centerline, traffic light, request stop, runway pavement.

Task 9

Contamination Foreign object
fuel spillage plastic sheet
slush broken tarmac
oil spillage debris
rubber marks dead bird
patches of water debris of burst tire
  carton box

Task 10                 1c 2d 3g 4a 5b 6e 7f

Task 11

Flight phase Taxi
Nature of problem Fuel leak from the left wing
Pilot’s request Return to the ramp
ATC instruction Hold position, a fire truck is coming

Task 13


C1 Miller Air 872, expedite vacating, traffic Challenger 604 on 4 mile final.
P1 Tower Miller Air 872, unable to continue taxi, we have broken off the main gear during the landing roll.
C1 Miller Air 872, roger. Break break. C153ТМ, go around immediately, runway is blocked, climb to altitude 2000 feet on heading 120, contact 126.3.
P2 Going around 2000 feet, heading 120, contact 126.2, C153TM.
C2 Miller Air 872, Melville Ground.
P1 Melville Ground, Miller Air 872.
C2 Miller Air 872, we are aware of your problem, tow truck is on the way.  Are you going to disembark passengers?
P1 Affirm, we are going to disembark passengers in present position. We have 234 passengers, request busses and an ambulance, some passengers suffered minor injuries, Miller Air 872.
C2 Miller Air 872, we’ve sent shuttle busses and an ambulance.
P1 Thank you for assistance, Miller Air 872.


P Melville Apron ASA 451, while refueling we’ve had a problem with the fuel hose, it has disconnected, and fuel has been spilled in the vicinity of the aircraft.
C ASA 451, roger. We will send a fire truck to foam the fuel spillage immediately.
P Roger, ASA 451.
C ASA 451, Apron.
P Apron, ASA 451.
C ASA 451, fuel spillage cleanup completed. Report ready for start.
P  Ready for start, ASA 451.
C ASA 451, start up approved.
P Starting up, ASA 451.


P Melville Ground TCH 763, while taxiing to holding point RWY 32 we observed debris on tarmac abeam TWY Kilo.
C TCH 763, roger, we’ll send ground staff to remove debris.


P Melville Ground TCH 619, runway vacated via Charlie.
C1 TCH 619 turn second left, then via TWY Hotel, gate G23.
P Second left, via Hotel, gate G23, TCH 619.
P Ground TCH 619, we’ve missed second left, shall we turn next left?
C1 TCH 619 TWY Lima closed for taxi, there is a “No entry” sign. Taxi straight ahead, on intersection Sierra Mike turn left onto apron, gate G23.
P Straight ahead, on Sierra Mike left turn, gate G23.
P Melville Apron, TCH 619.
C2 TCH 619, Apron.
P We have been instructed to park to Gate G23, but there is a company B737 at G23.
C2 TCH 619, stand by.
P Standing by, TCH 619.
C2 TCH 619, B737 has a problem, they have baggage mismatch. They need about 10 minutes for baggage identification. Taxi to gate G29, A319 just left it.
P Roger, gate G29.